
PDP-6 bootstraps

Paper tape RIM loader

This is the standard RIM loader. It executes words from paper tape after waiting for the next word to be ready. Typically the format will be a series of DATAI followed by the word to be read into memory, but more creativity is possible.

20 710600 000060           CONO    PTR,60   / init paper tape reader
21 710740 000010   A:      CONSO   PTR,10   / wait for next word
22 254000 000021            JRST    .-1
23 710440 000026           DATAI   PTR,B    / read word to be executed into B
24 710740 000010           CONSO   PTR,10   / wait again
25 254000 000024            JRST    .-1
26 000000 000000   B:      0                / the instruction from tape, usually DATAI and a JRST at the end
27 254000 000021           JRST    A        / get next instruction

MIT DECtape bootstrap

The DECtape is expected to have CONOs in the interblock words that move it to block 75 (octal). Block 75 then should contain a boot loader that loads blocks 76 and 77 (MACDMP) into memory and jump there. Such a tape can be generated by SYSENG; SYSTEM GEN.

The shadow loader looks like this, its job is to execute block 75:

00 255000 000000           JFCL                    / no-op, what for?
01 205000 255000           MOVSI   (JFCL)          / restore JFCL in 0
02 700200 635550           CONO    635550          / reset APR
03 700600 011577           CONO    PI,11577        / reset PI
04 721200 223110           CONO    UTC,223110      / 300ms delay, move forward, read all
05 720200 004010           CONO    DC,4010         / input
06 720340 001000   LUP:    CONSO   DC,1000         / wait for word
07 254000 000006            JRST   .-1
10 720040 000013           DATAI   DC,A            / read word
11 345540 000006           AOJGE   A,LUP           / add one, ignore positive words
12 602540 777777           TRNE    A,-1            / execute if right half wasn't -1
13 000000 000013   A:      .
14 254000 000006           JRST    LUP

Since the read all operation is used, not only data but also block marks, reverse block marks and interblock words are read. Block marks are 0-1101 (octal), i.e. the left half is always zero, and the corresponding reverse block mark consequently has -1 in the right half. The AOJGE and TRNE check makes sure these types of words are not executed, which limits the kind of instructions that can be executed at all. SYSTEM GEN defines a macro to assemble words with two half word instructions and move them to some memory address with SETAM. It also sets up a JRST at 42 to the code put into memory and requests a PI on channel 1. Because it saves and restores the word at 42, it would have been easier to assemble a JRST at 15 and jump there with a skip (TRNA) at 13.

This means only interblock words and data words are (potentially executed). Since interblock words are not used by anything otherwise, they can contain CONOs to position the tape before block 75. They do this in read all mode, which means the following block will be skipped. The word before block 75 (reading forward) is a no-op (TRN), which means the UTC will not get another CONO and skip the next block but execute successive data words instead.

The code in block 75 is then executed directly word by word. An assembler macro is used to put a word FOO into memory with HRLI 17,(FOO); HRRI 17,FOO; SETAM 17,.. and advancing .. . (I'm ignoring the -1 here that's necessary because of the AOJGE in the loader. The code is the following:

SETM	17,42                 / save word 42
SETAM	17,37176              / at 37176, first word in MACDMP

/ Placed into memory:
42	JRST	10,37177      / channel 1 PI: reset PI and jump to code below

/ Placed into memory:
37177	MOVE	17,.-1        / restore old word 42
37200	MOVEM	17,42
37201	MOVSI	17,-400       / transfer 400 words (blocks 76 and 77)
37201	CONO	UTC,220310    / read data forward from DECtape #1
37202	CONSO	DC,1000       / wait for word
37203	JRST	.-1
37204	DATAI	DC,37400(17)  / put word into MACDMP's address range
37205	AOBJN	17,.-3        / loop through all words
                              / initialize MACDMP
37206	MOVEI	1             / set DECtape unit number to 1
37207	MOVNI	12,1          / set WRITE to -1 (default)
37210	JRST	MACLOD        / jump into MACDMP to OPNTP to open tape 1

CONO	PI,14300              / cause PI on channel 1, executing 42, jumping to 37177

Clever paper tape RIM loader loader

This is a very clever way that they came up with at MIT to read a paper tape without having the RIM loader in memory already. It only needs two instructions. To use it, do this:

This is the data on paper tape, as raw binary words:

HRRI 17,60
MOVEM 17,20
HRRI 17,10
MOVEM 17,21
MOVEM 17,24
HRRI 17,21
MOVEM 17,22
MOVEM 17,27
HRRI 17,24
MOVEM 17,25
HRRI 17,26
MOVEM 17,23
MOVEM 17,26
MOVEI 17,37176
MOVEM 17,37
HRRI 10,1000
HRRI 15,1000
HRRI 16,10

The DATAI at 0 will read the first word from paper tape into 1 and execute it, which will place a JRST 0 in location 2. This completes the loop to execute consecutive words from paper tape. After everything has been executed, execution jumps to 10 and the memory contents will be this:

00       DATAI   PTR,1
01       word read from paper tape
02       JRST    0

10      CONO    1000    / turn clock flag off
11      JFCL            / waste some time
12      JFCL
13      JFCL
14      JFCL
15      CONSZ   1000    / skip if clock flag off
16      JRST    10      / clock on, so still on repeat
17      SKIPA           / clock off, we're at full speed

20      CONO    PTR,60  / this is the standard RIM loader
21      CONSO   PTR,10
22      JRST    21
23      DATAI   PTR,26
24      CONSO   PTR,10
25      JRST    24
26      XCT     26
27      JRST    21

37      37176          / this seems to be MACDMP specific

The loop 10-16 waits until the clock flag is no longer set after four JFCLs. This will be the case when the code is no longer executed as repeated single stepping. It then proceeds to the normal RIM loader (and skips a CONO because the device is already reading) and the rest of the tape is loaded like normal.

SBLK loader

SBLK is a simple format that consists of blocks made up of: a header word giving block length and address, n words of data, and a checksum word. SBLK files start with an SBLK loader ended by JRST 1 though the actual loader can be omitted. The end is signalled by any non-negative word. Usually JRST or JUMPA to the entry point.

MACDMP contains such a loader. It starts out by putting a RIM loader into memory, then contains some data in RIM format and some raw words in between. Then it puts the SBLK loader into memory and switches output to SBLK format. The SBLK loader in PDP-6 memory looks like this, execution is started at 1:

01	MOVE	1,15		/ replace this instruction with CONO PTR,60
02	JSP	17,30		/ wait for word from PTR
03	DATAI	PTR,16		/ read word
04	MOVE	15,16           / start checksum
05	JUMPG	16,16		/ execute words > 0 (normally JRST or JUMPA)

                                / begin a new block
06	JSP	17,30		/ wait for word from PTR
07	DATAI	PTR,(16)        / read word into memory
10	ROT	15,1            / compute
11	ADD	15,(16)         /         checksum
12	AOBJN	16,6            / loop until block is done
13	MOVEI	17,33           / set return address to checksum check
14	JRST	30              / wait for next word
15	CONO	PTR,60          / checksum

                                / wait for word from paper tape
31	JRST	30
32	JRST	(17)            / return when ready

                                / checksum check
33	DATAI	PTR,16          / read word
34	CAMN	15,16           / should be equal to computed checksum
35	JRST	2
36	JRST	4,1             / halt if checksum wrong

The PDP-10 version is a bit simpler due to its hardware read in mode. There it is simply a read in block on paper tape started with -27,,0. Also the code starting at 30 starts at 20 because there is no paper tape RIM loader that has to be preserved.